Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Enjoy your Children

I am so happy.  For the past month I haven't really let myself think of everything I had lost when my laptop crashed. This morning I finally decided to look in old notebooks and binders to see what I might have saved.  I am a pack rat, you know. I was so thrilled to find original copies of many things I had put into my computer plus copies of assignments I had printed off for my therapist.  I knew I had started a project sometime last year, but didn't realize what a great job I had done.  (High five, ol' girl!  Way to go.)

So today, I am going to share something I wrote years ago for the church newsletter.  It was for an article I wrote every month called, "A Mother's Musings".

"An empty-nester mom recently told me she would like to tell today's busy moms to cherish the sight of sunlight glistening on their children's hair instead of hurrying off to get some work done while the kids were outside playing.  Her comment got me to thinking.  Here are a few things I'd like to share.

"Enjoy the sight of a dirt-smudged face and muddy hands.  This is your children's time of discovery.  They will not always enjoy the feel of mud oozing through their fingers nor have the ability to run their dirty hands through their hair without feeling guilty.  Let them enjoy the dirt guilt free.  They can always be washed.

"Take time to enjoy the aroma of your children's freshly shampooed hair and laundered p.j.s.  There is nothing like squeaky-clean children at the end of a busy day.

"Laugh at old jokes.  They are new to your children. 'Knock knock.' 'Who's there?'

"Dine on pretend food.

"Marvel at the children God has given you.  Be amazed at their imagination and dexterity as well as their climbing, reasoning, and speaking abilities.

"Recognize your children's uniqueness and thank God for it.

"Pray aloud with our children from the moment of birth.  Say grace at every meal.  Pray over skinned knees and fevered brow.  Pray before bed.  Even three-year-olds will learn to pray spontaneously if they hear you do it.

"My twenty-four year old son was lying on a bench, eyes closed, when his three year old nephew bounded up to him saying, 'play with me, Unca DD.'  Unca DD muttered something about being very tired.  That was when the small boy took DD's hand and prayed, 'Jesus, let Unca DD sleep bery good.  Our Father who art in heaben and power for eber and eber. Amen.'

"Yes, even small children can pray."

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