Thursday, June 7, 2012

Just Like Jesus

My oldest grandson has a busy month ahead of him.  First, he will be commissioned into the Air Force, then graduate from college, and lastly, get married.  All this happens in a three week-time frame. Talk about life changing experiences!

As I was remembering Nano as a preschooler, this story came to mind.

"Nano, don't run around in your underwear.  Go get some clothes on please."

"But Mom, I want to be like Jesus!"

"I don't think Jesus ran around in his underwear.  Now go get dressed."

Several minutes later Nano returned with one of his books opened to a picture of Jesus on the cross.  Pointing to the cloth wrapped around Christ's loins my grandson quipped, "See, he's in his underwear.  I'm just like him."

If only it were that easy. But, I don't think that is what Paul had in mind when he wrote, "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children..."  Ephesians 5:1a

So, Nano, as you go out into the big, wide, world, I pray you still want to being just like Jesus. Just remember to wear more that underwear. Never leave home without wearing the full battle armor only he can supply.

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