Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wedding Day

It seems like only yesterday that I held a beautiful bundle of baby boy in my arms, my first child, my son. I loved cuddling him, watching him sleep, and seeing him discover his ever expanding world. That little guy filled me with awe, wonder, and joy. How long has it really been? Just over forty-seven years, now. Wow.

It seems like only a few hours ago I was hurriedly driving in the dark of night from my home to the big city hospital with my son and daughter-in-law in the back seat.  She had gone into early labor during a weekend visit. It wasn't long until I once again held a beautiful bundle of baby boy in my arms, my first grandchild, my son's son. How long has it really been?  Just over twenty-two years, now.  Wow. 

It seems like only minutes from now that my first grandson will bring a beautiful, young, Christian woman into our family when they exchange their "I dos" before God, family, and friends.  Wow.  Where have the years gone? They have been good times.

The wedding that seems like just minutes away is actually ten hours from now. Flowers still need to be arranged as the church is readied. Hair needs to be styled, makeup applied, and beautiful dresses donned as the ladies get ready. The teenage girls will be bursting with excitement as they primp and giggle before mirrors. The guys? They are going to play golf. Then they will be putting on their tuxes. The rain, will it come or stay away? Who knows. And the bride and groom? Excited, happy, and overwhelmed as they continue crossing items off their to-do lists. This day will be filled with adventure, excitement, unknowns, and firsts. But above all, it will be a day filled with smiles as God blesses the union of two very special people and two very special families.

Thank you, Lord.

Years ago Jesus blessed a wedding in Cana of Galilee by performing his very first miracle after a need had been recognized--they had run out of wine. Jesus requested the servants fill jugs with ordinary water, then he changed it into the very best drink from the fruit of the vine. That is what Jesus does. He change things--not only water, but also lives and relationships.

It is my prayer that as this young couple begins a new life together, they will be constantly aware of Christ's presence in their midst, they will recognize their times of need, and will let Jesus change their "ordinary" water into his extraordinary "wine".  

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