Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Little Things That Make Me Smile

Do you remember what I wrote last week about finding my lawn mower's gas tank full? That's right. It brought a huge smile to my face! I love full gas tanks.

There are many more things that make me smile.  I'm talking about the little things, not the obvious  ones like a comedian, a good joke, or an obviously silly kid (or adult for that matter). I mean the little occurrences that make you grin. I don't know what makes you smile, but here are a few of mine.

  • Buying groceries and saving more than I spent. That's what I did this morning--spent $75 and saved $46.  I still can't get the grin off my face.
  • Waking up to sun shine--I love it.  
  • Seeing deer in my yard--beautiful and serene.
  • Hearing birds sing--Oh, the joy.
  • Watching beautiful sun sets--how do those happen?
  • Clean windows--feels good.
  • Bibi the parrot.  She is streaming live every day on the internet.  Search for Watch-the-Birdie.   Bibi provided company and humor during my rough days. She is quite talkative in the mornings, late afternoons. 
  • Looking at my newly mowed yard--love to see the payoff of hard work. 
  • Watching the wheels turn in my grand kids minds.  I would love to know their thought processes.
  • Listening to children's conversations--delightful, amusing, thought provoking.
  • Watching my family play games and laugh--pure joy.
  • Clouds--their shapes, colors, and sizes amaze me and make me smile. I don't know why. They just do.
  • The play of sun, shadow, reflection and color on tide flats, rivers, lakes or any other reflective surface. I smile at the beauty and wonder how to paint it.
  • The sound of rain on the roof--love it.
  • Discovering a beautiful flower hidden among the weeds--such persistence.
  • Sitting in the tranquility of my living room--peace in the Lord's presence.
  • Watching all the young families at church--love seeing the moms and dads tending their flocks. Those families are blessed.
  • Knowing God has won the war.  I just have to fight some battles.  (actually this isn't a little thing.  It is rather huge, but it still makes me smile).
I could go on, but won't.  I'll let you make your own list of little things that make you smile. Isn't God wonderful for providing each of us with so many little things.

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