Friday, May 3, 2013

A Peace-filled Morning

I was so excited this morning to look out my glass bedroom doors and find a young deer breakfasting on the grass a mere fifteen feet away. This time of year, molting deer are pretty scraggly looking, but before too long, they will once again be sleek and smooth. As I watched this shaggy yearling munch away, I caught a glimpse of occasional movement in the distance. Finally I could zero in on the source, another, yet larger, deer quite well camouflaged next to my overgrown  fire pit area.

I watched the two of them for about half an hour before the larger one decided it was time for her morning rest. She slowly disappeared from sight as she plopped herself down into the tall grass . After that, all I could make out were her ears that occasionally twitched as she listened for any signs of danger.

The younger one moseyed closer the house before deciding on a morning rest also. Down he plopped among the rhodies and the blueberries. Although there was no tall grass hiding him there, he blended in perfectly with the brown leaves on the ground and the shadows of the shrubs. There he stayed, motionless, except for the constant moving of his ears and occasional turning of his head. Though resting, he was ever watchful and alert.

From the bedroom, I went to the living room, opened the blinds, then  gazed out the sun room windows thinking, "I would love to see deer out these windows, too." And, to my amazement, there one was--under the apple tree and munching on grass. I smiled and thought of all the apples this guy would be consuming off the lower branches when August/September roll around.

Heading for the kitchen to fix breakfast, I took in a deep breath and felt my whole being sing, "Peace, wonderful peace." I don't know what there is about wildlife in my yard, but they give me a terrific sense of tranquility, happiness, and contentment.

If what had happened this morning was just a solitary deer enjoying my yard, I would have been overjoyed. But no, I was blessed by a trinity of deer grazing, resting, and forever alert. What a reminder to me to do the same--graze on the Word, rest in his presence, and be forever alert.

Enjoying a peace-filled morning,

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