Thursday, May 23, 2013

Off I Go. Wheee.

This will be short and sweet. My family will be here in less that an hour to pick me up as well as all my gear; and we're heading off for the big State Track Meet. There will be a car full of us. Car isn't really the right word since it has three rows of seats, but it isn't a van either.

Our transportation machine, as it were, will be piloted by my son-in-law. The co-pilot will be his mother and owner of the car/van/?. In the next seat back will be my daughter, daughter-in-law, and moi. The very last seats will be down for all our luggage, snacks, blankets, pillows and whatever else we can fit in. We should have a great time talking, laughing, snacking, and snoozing--no, no, no, not the driver.

We are going only halfway or so tonight. The rest of the distance will be covered first thing in the morning. The rest of the day will be spent sitting on bleachers or stadium seats, and covered in blankets. It's supposed to be cool all day.

This will be the main day of competition for my granddaughters and the rest of the team. Since our 4x400 relay, 800 meter run, and men's high jump are the only events that winning a medal is statistically possible for the team, they probably won't continue into tomorrow's finals in their other events. But, you never know when it comes to sports. Someone can get a real adrenalin boost and surprise everyone including themselves. Or, sadly, someone can pull a muscle, drop a baton, step out of their lane, or just tense up resulting in a poor performance or disqualification. There go the statistics.

No matter what happens, I love seeing these teenagers from the entire state putting heart and soul into what they are doing. There are some amazing athletes out there. What is even more amazing is the ability of this human body that God created. It is so complex and becomes more complex as scientists learn more and more of its inner workings. There is no way it just happened to evolve. No way.

So, off I go. I have made a very difficult decision regarding this trip. I'm leaving my laptop home. That means no blogs until Sunday at the earliest. It also means no games, no facebook, no e-mail, and no watching Bibi the African Gray Parrot talk and eat his day away. But I will have a new toy with me--a stopwatch. By the time we get to the meet tomorrow morning, I should be a stopwatch master because I will be using it to time my son-in-law's speed between mileposts. He doesn't like to go over 55 mph even if the posted speed in 60. We ladies in the back seat will be keeping an eye on him--true backseat drivers at work. Then again, we might be snoozing.

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend, everyone.
Talk again in a few days,

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