Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday, Tuesday

It's 8:30 a.m. on a Tuesday. I got the washing machine swish-swishing away right off the bat this morning. It's working on a load of jeans, towels, and sweats right now. After I had put the washer to work, I walked out to the mail box to mail a letter, brought in the garbage can from the roadside, made some entries to my financial spreadsheet, ordered new checks, and am  now going to get a blog written before I fix breakfast. I sure hope this goes smoothly since I'm really hungry this morning.

I first noticed my hunger while making my bed. It was after looking outside and not believing my eyes. Yesterday's tightly folded buds are blooming flowers today. Just outside my window are three rhodies--a yellow one flanked by two reds. Behind them are two lilacs that are also blooming. I don't think there is such a thing as a cacophony of color, but that is what first came to mind. Well, since cacophony refers to sound, and the bushes were fairly quiet this morning, I will say that they presented a dazzling riot of color. Then I noticed the apple trees. No longer are there just a few scattered blooms. The trees are solid flowers. The same is true of the pear tree. Spring has certainly arrived. With the nice weather expected to continue, there should be excellent pollination this year. It will sure beat our usual rain.

What does all that have to do with my hunger? Nothing at all. While enjoying the flowers, I was just very aware that I was hungry. So I began envisioning a cheese omelet and cranberry juice. I also thought about my usual steel cut oats with craisins and walnuts. Then there is the possibility of a poached egg on toast or a bowl of Grape Nuts with fresh banana slices. I might even fix myself a cup of coffee this morning. Decisions, decisions, decisions. After all those thoughts of food, I am now really, really hungry.

But, before I eat, let me share some of yesterday's blessings. First off, my daughter's brother-in-law came over and mowed my yard with his fancy-schmancy mower. (Now that I am finally allowing emotions to enter my life, I am a little jealous of him and his machine.) I'm not only thrilled to have the lawn cut to a reasonable height, but also excited that he and my son-in-law have my mower in their possession for a physical exam. Hopefully whatever ails it isn't terminal.

Blessing number two was an afternoon at another track meet. I absolutely love watching the kids (Jr. High this time) compete. I love watching them sit in the grass and be silly. I love talking with the other parents. Even though it was quite cool at the school, my blanket and two sweatshirts kept me reasonably warm. On second thought, it wasn't cool at the school, it was cold. My granddaughter did well, getting first in all four of her events as well as two P.R.s. "You go, girl."

About the only things on my agenda this week are two more track meets. Today is a day at home--all day. Hooray. This will be a "Bless My House" day. I plan to dust, vacuum, straighten, scrub, sweep. I also plan on cooking up a whole chicken as well as a bunch of boneless pork chops. The stewed chicken will be transformed into shredded chicken then frozen for use in salads and hot dishes, and, of course, I'll make soup. The chops will be thinly sliced and marinaded with garlic, ginger root, and soy sauce, then quick sauteed and frozen for use in vegetable stir fry. When all that is done, I will have blessed my house with some TLC and filled my freezer with yummy food for the weeks ahead.

And that, my friends, is my blog for today. So I'm off to throw the clothes in the dryer and start a second load. Then? Food. I'm hungry. It is 9:40 after all.

Looking forward to a day of floral beauty, delicious aromas, and a spic and span home,

P.S.  Jan's Jottings was one year old on April 30. Where did the time go? Stay tuned. I think I will reflect on this whole experience tomorrow.

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