Saturday, May 18, 2013

Messages Erased

I received several text messages this afternoon. After the last one, I checked to see how many messages my little pink phone had on its memory card. Well the answer is over 200.  I usually handle the important things immediately, then erase them. I let the trivial things accumulate. It's too much trouble to  mess with messages such as "on my way" followed by my reply, "k". I usually chose to read then ignore. Today I took action and hit "erase all".

After my phone let me know that all messages were erased, this random thought zipped through my mind. That  must be what it is like when I confess things to God. He just hits the erase button (on the cross) and the confessed sin is gone. He will remember it no more. I liked that image.

The next image I didn't like as much. It was of my sin card being full of "unimportant" little sins. Just because I don't think they are important and can be ignored, they are important to God and need to be confessed. He wants them all erased, not just the big ones that I confess immediately.

If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Thanking the Lord for his reminder to keep my sin card cleared by taking action on (confessing) the little sins as well as the big,


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