Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Surprising Attitude Change

Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh, or as my grandmother used to say, "Oh, fudge." I really, really, really need to go to town today, but I don't want to. Why do I HAVE to go to town? #1- I'm out of fresh fruits and vegetables. #2- I have been completely out of salt, olive oil, oatmeal, peanut butter, eggs, and cinnamon for over a week. I can do without the cinnamon for the rest of the year if necessary, but the other stuff are staples I use several times a week. I guess that's why they are all gone.

So, I need to hop into the car, back out of the garage and head into the "city". That presents another problem. I should have gotten gas when I went to church Sunday, but I didn't want to stop. Besides, the fuel light hadn't come on yet. It came on while I was heading home.

Sunday evening, my daughter-in-law and I headed into town for a class at church . Twelve miles to town and twelve miles home plus twelve when I go back in for groceries. That's 36 miles. I get around 24 miles/gallon. There are still a couple gallons of gas in the tank when the light comes on. Besides, I have gotten 315 miles on a tank of gas without running dry. My mileage indicator shows I have gone 275 on this tank of gas. I'll be fine I figured. No problemo.

With that all figured out, off I go as happy as a clam can be when it isn't clamming season. (That sounded like a Geico ad) Happy as a clam changed as I drove home Sunday night. When I checked the odometer I saw that I had now driven over 300 miles. I still had to take my daughter-in-law home and drive into town sometime during the week to get groceries AND gas. That looked pretty iffy. What had happened to my calculations?

In two simple words, I goofed. Yes, it certainly is 12 miles into town, but I wasn't just going to town. I had to drive quite a few more miles to get to church, then retrace those miles back to town before heading home. Ooooops. I had also picked up my daughter-in-law and was taking her home. Add another ten miles round trip. Double oooooops.

Fortunately I'm not stuck here. I have a half-full 5 gallon gas can in the garage I can use. It's for the lawn tractor and has been sitting there all winter. I suppose putting in a gallon or so will be ok.

It is now 10 o'clock a.m. I don't want to take a shower, fix my hair, make my bed, or get out of my pjs. I don't want to struggle getting the cap off the gas can. I don't want to pour gas into my car and try not to spill any. I don't want to go to the store. I don't want to go to the gas station.

What does all that say about me? I'm acting like a spoiled little four-year-old who has collapsed on the floor screaming, "I don't want, I don't want." Well, I guess I need to go to time out until I can change my attitude. No, that won't work. Time out is what I want. I want to just stay in my room.

This is so funny. My daughter just called. Her family had a mis-communication on who was driving what and who was going were and when. As a result, she is stuck at school without a way to get to her doctor's appointment. She would like me to pick her up in an hour. So, there is the solution to my dilemma, I will go put some gas in the car, jump into the shower, get dressed, fix my hair and drive out to the school. On the way, I will stop at the mini-mart for a few gallons of gas to ensure I can get to town. Then I can get groceries and fill up my tank.

So, no more temper tantrums, no more complaints. I'm on a rescue mission.

Thank you, Lord, for the attitude change.

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