Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Do I or Don't I?

This morning I was quite proud of myself as I finished off one poached egg, one slice of toasted, wheat bread (with butter), and 1/2 a cantaloupe. My breakfast had been healthy, low cal, and delicious. "Good job, me," I thought while mentally patting myself on the back and putting my dirty plate in the sink to wash later.  Then, while exiting the kitchen, I was rudely halted by a visual encounter of the cupcake kind. There it sat, a solitary cupcake with cream cheese frosting, begging, even pleading, to be picked up and lovingly eaten.

Of course I did what any compassionate connoisseur of cupcakes would do, I obliged. Within minutes my taste buds were dancing, and the temptress was out of my life for good. That beauty had been moist, flavorful, and a delight to the eye--everything a cake from a box should have been. All that is left now is a the memory of my culinary thrill and a few crumbs on my robe. I probably should check my face for tidbits, too.

The whole thing was my granddaughter's fault. Really, it was. She is the one who invited me to the National Honor Society Banquet last night. She, well, her mom, was the one who baked the treats. And, when she and my daughter brought me home, she was the one who insisted on escorting me all the way into my kitchen while holding a cupcake in each hand. Then she left. Just like that, she left. Did she take the cupcakes with her? No. She just walked out of my house with a smile, a twinkle, and the words, "I left you a little treat, Nana. Enjoy them."

Enjoy describes to a tee what I did with the first one. There is nothing like unwrapping, then savoring, a cupcake and washing it down with a glass of cold milk before bed. I looked forward to enjoying the second cupcake this evening. Well, that certainly isn't going to happen, is it? I had sabotaged that plan by eight o'clock morning. At least I won't have frosting and sprinkles staring me in the face and whining all day, "Eat me, Nana. Please, please eat me."

So, what did I do here this morning? Did I yield unto temptation or was I pro-active? I suppose the answer to that question is, "Yes, I did and yes, I was."

I now have another dilemma. There are five slices of orange-dark-chocolate sitting in front of me at this very moment. I certainly shouldn't eat them all right now, but they are calling my name. If I ignore them, they could, maybe could, possibly could last me the rest of the week, or at least a couple more days--or not. Will I yield to its temptation and eat it now and thus succumb to instant gratification? Or, will I put a positive spin on my behavior, call it pro-activity, and get the remaining chocolate out of my house right now so it won't tempt me later?  Besides, it's not my fault if I chose to eat them all right now. They were a Mother's Day gift from my grand kids. They want me to eat it. It must be their fault.

I can make this candy last. I know I can. I'll have just one little piece now, and another little one later this afternoon, and maybe one before bed. That leaves two for tomorrow.

On second thought, I could have two now and, tw...

Two pieces down, three to go sometime this afternoon. Those grand kids!!

Trying to put a positive spin on yielding to temptation,

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