Thursday, May 2, 2013

My Love-filled Day

As Mr. Rogers would say; "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood". The sun is shining, the sky has only a few scattered, filmy clouds, and it is supposed to reach 70 today, maybe. I must make myself a note saying summer came on May 2nd this year. Hopefully it will last longer that three days. At least I think this is summer since spring was her for a few days last month.

I woke up this morning to a text message from one of the grandsons. He asked if I was going to town today. Initially I thought he had sent it to me by mistake since he doesn't live around here. I just told him I wasn't going into town unless absolutely necessary. Well, here I am--in town. This was an absolutely necessary trip because he invited me to join him for lunch. His work usually keep him in the big city, but today it included a side trip to the coast. I am looking forward to visiting with him for awhile.

While waiting, I will save us a  place here at McDonalds, and try to get something written since I won't be home the rest of the day. From here I will head straight to my daughter's school to help out in her classroom. That is always fun. Then, after school a car full of family is heading off to a track meet. Hooray.  More fun in the sun.




Home again, home again, jiggety jog

Now, where was I. Oh yes, lunch with my grandson. It's been a very long time since I've had one-on-one time with this special young man. After eating burgers and fries plus sharing what the Lord's been doing in our lives, he had to hit the road again. The time went too fast., but what a blessing the hour was.

I will tell you this. Fast-food burgers taste much better when eaten with wonderful company than they do when I eat them by myself.

I'm not going to talk about the track meet except to say my granddaughters did fantastic jobs running 2nd and final legs of the 4x400 meter relay. With sub-districts and districts on the schedule for the next two weeks, I will talk more track later.

Over all, it has been a wonderful day filled with beautiful weather, great times of visiting and laughing with family, seeing exciting races, and yelling for the team members. Over all, it was a love-filled day. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

God is good,

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