Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Jumble of Thoughts

Less than a week until Thanksgiving, where has the year gone? Each month seems to fly past more rapidly than the previous one, but with winter upon us, each day seems to go more slowly. All last week I'd check the clock to see how late the hour was, only to discover bedtime wouldn't arrive for hours yet. I didn't check the time because I was tired or sleepy. I checked because it was dark outside.

Like now, for example. Dusk left hours ago. My summer-time brain tells me it is eleven o'clock, but my computer tells me it's only 6:30 p.m. If I go to bed now, I'll be up at 1 a.m. So, I'll wait it out by.... I don't know what I'll do. I could read something from the paper-bags of books a friend gave me. I could work an a counted cross-stitch Christmas stocking I started last January. I could listen to some music. I could.... I could... I could do anything I wanted, but I really don't want to do anything, so I will sit here and type (I believe keyboard in the proper term these days)

So far on this post, I have been freewriting, but with some revision and corrections. If this were true freewriting, I would make absolutely no corrections or revisions. I'd let the creative side of my mind have free rein while I kept the critic side locked away until another day. That is extremely hard for me to do. I will try it for a few minutes. Here goes.

The grandkids came over this afternoon to help with some chores as I get ready for Thanksgiving. The yellowpad of notes spelled out jobs for them to do. I love having them over. I love fixing them food and listeneing to their converstaions. Pizza is always a hit. So are brownies. All the recycle stuff ahs been temoved from my kitchen. The garbage has been emptied, and the porch cleaned off. Leaves are raked up, front door window washed, and all the flat surfaces of my living room and dining room have been dusted. The kittens have been lpayed with, and dishes washed. And we have talked about writing, and learning, and basketball practice. What a fun day it was. I'm blessed. Having my daughter busy in the kitchen preparing lasagna for a potluck she is attending tomorrow was also fun. I'm thankful. Now I have piles notebooks, books, photo albums, jigsaw puzzles, and Thanksgiving decorations to deal with. No one can really healp with that kind of stuff. It is mine and mine alone. I do not like deciding what to do with it. Nice neat piles works well for me--except when I am having company over. Twenty people for dinner I figure. I still have several days.

There, you have just journeyed through my jumbled thoughts, typos and all. If I were taking that just-written paragraph seriously, I would spend the next hour working and reworking it until you all felt as if you were right here with all of us. I'd heat some water for your favorite beverage and serve you some warm brownies while you sat back and enjoyed my day with me. You would hear the chatter, smell the aromas, and laugh at the kittens.

For now, you will just have to imagine.

I'm thankful for another day of grace.
Jan, Licorice Kitty, and kittens.

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