Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Best Laid Sleep Plans Don't Always Work

I certainly have no idea who I was trying to fool when I turned off the bedside lamp at 9:30 last night. It must have been myself since I was the only humanoid in the household. Get yourself to bed early, I told myself, enough to this 11:00 p.m. nonsense you've been pulling.

When I plan on going to bed at 11, I end up extending it to midnight or later. The good thing is I fall asleep quite rapidly. By 6:00 - 6:30 a.m. my eyes pop open, squint at the clock across the room, and shut again as I think, I should go back to sleep for another hour or two. Doesn't happen. I lie there, eyes closed, body relaxed, but mind awake.  It reminds me that most literature says I need at least eight hours of sleep each and every night; I am getting only six to seven. Okay, Jan,  if you can't sleep in, try getting your bod to bed earlier.

I know I've tried this masterful plan before and it didn't work. But, as the all-powerful "they" say, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." So I did.

I climbed into bed at 8 o'clock, read until 9:30, then turned off the light and shut my eyes. Goodnight Monday, hello sleepy-time. Off to dreamland I want where the strange house I lived in was being remodeled. The kitchen was being moved into half of the living room area, carpet squares were being torn out in preparation for hardwood floors. My mom was there in some capacity, but I don't know what. In the midst of figuring out what in the world was planned for the old kitchen space, I woke up.

Obviously, it was still dark. I felt rested, and wondered if the clock would read the usual 6:00 or so. Did I succeed in getting eight hours of sleep? Raising myself up on one elbow I did my squint routine, then collapsed back onto my pillow. TWO-THIRTY A.M., YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING. Five measly hours of sleep. As my teenage grand-kids would say of my increased-sleep endeavor, "Fail!"

I pulled the covers up to my nose, wriggled around to get comfortable, took half a dozen deep breaths, and tried to go back to sleep. Nope, wasn't happening. After forcing myself to stay relaxed and rested for a long, long two hours, I finally got up, fixed some toast and peanut butter, fed the cats, and muttered about being up so early.

It is now 4:00 p.m.; I've been up twelve hours, and am very sleepy. I am now faced with an unusual dilemma: do I take a nap?  That is a new one for me. Part of me says no, don't do it. The other part says sure, why not. Decisions, decisions.

While I am deciding, I just want to share that the ladies I pray with on Tuesday mornings had a great time praying for our community and churches today. We should be seeing great things happening down the road as a result.

I'm off to read awhile, maybe doze off, maybe not. I'll see what happens.

Jan, Licorice Kitty and Kittens,

(The little imps are learning to climb over the toy box that blocks their room from the entry way. Oh dear.)

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