Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mishmash of Stuff

I just caught sight of a small flock of birds fly by my window. At least I thought I did. In reality, it was a rustle of leaves (sounds better than flock) leaving the confines of the trees and twirling off to explore the rest of the yard. I hope the strong winds keep blowing until every member of that dying community of leaves is off its trees and settled in the field across the road for the winter. That sure would cut down on raking projects.

That is what I hope for, wish for, desire. This is what I will get instead, a porch covered in soon-to-be-soggy leaves, and flower beds cloaked in brown and yellowed leaves waiting for a slug attack. That is what I will get; and that is okay.

*********************   Nine hours later  **********************

I am back home. My porch is covered in wet, soggy leaves, and my flower beds' coverings are now prime targets for slugs. Got the picture?

This was a great day for a Cross Country District meet. Two hours of driving each way, rain, wind, and intermittent sun breaks were bearable when almost every possible family member was there to cheer our three kids on, a regular family reunion time. Three grandmas, two sets of aunts and uncles, and a couple cousins watched our kids run the three mile course quickly enough to qualify for the state competition next Saturday. Yeah family.

jmdkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.  Oooops, I dozed off a second there. My mind is tired, hands and feet are cold, and body tired. I should shut this old gal (me) down, fix her some dinner and put her to bed. Tomorrow is a new day. I will think more clearly then than I am right now. I sure hope so, anyway.

Signing off until the 'morrow. Blessings to all.

Jan, Licorice and family,

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