Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Big Dog And Pup

I usually don't complain. But, I'm sorry, I have to vent. Allow me just a moment, please. I don't like being cold, especially in my own home. Here it is, the middle of July. It is 54 degrees and windy outside and 65 inside. I am wearing fuzzy slippers, warm pants, long sleeved shirt, my  bathrobe, plus a blanket on my lap. Part of me says, "For crying out loud, go turn on the furnace, woman!" The other part of me says, "The sun might come out this afternoon. It should warm up by bedtime. Tough it out, ol' girl." Oooooooh. I don't like this. There you go. My complaint for the day.

That whole complaint is quite ridiculous if I really think about it. Why should I complain about something I have control over? I can solve the problem by simply turning on the furnace. So excuse me a moment while I go push my magic heat button.

There, the deed is done. Warm air is coming out of the floor vents--sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and the electric meter is happily spinning away--$$$$$$$.

Yesterday afternoon I went to my son's house to spend the night with the dogs. I unhooked Pup from her chain so she could run around and spend time with Big Dog. Every few minutes I would check on the two of them. They are not in a fenced yard. They are on property that is surrounded by a forest inhabited by bald eagles, cougars, coyotes, raccoon, 'possums, and porcupines. After the first hour of continual checking I was satisfied that Pup and Big Dog would continue staying on either the front porch or in the front yard. They were just happy someone was home with them. GOOD DOGS!

With everything under control, I settled myself into the comfy chair to read my book. With a couple chapters under my belt, I opened the front door to see what the dogs were up to. They weren't there. Neither were they in the front yard. I walk up the driveway and around to the back yard. Nope, no dogs there. Ooooops, this isn't good. BAD DOGS!

I know that Big Dog loves visiting the neighboring houses, and is forest-smart. I also know that Pup loves to trot along, having no idea what's happening. Where Big Dog goes Pup follows, tail wagging the whole way.  Where, oh where, have the little dogs gone? So, I call Big Dog--several times. I call Pup--a couple times. I whistle--once. Then here comes Big Dog bounding up the driveway. She is just prancing away and so happy I called her. As she reaches me, she immediately sits down, knowing she will get her head scratched and her sides patted. Being with me makes her one happy, happy dog . But, where is Pup???

Around the corner she comes as fast as her little puppy legs can carry her, in hot pursuit of Big Dog. As she approaches me, she pays no attention to my presence. She just wants to play with Big Dog. Finally, getting the message that it isn't playtime, she sits between Big Dog's front legs. Being with her furry mentor makes her one happy, happy pup.

If someone had taken a picture of us they would have seen a smiling gray-haired lady bent over and petting that tail-wagging, furry, Big Dog who sits contentedly by her side. And there, between Big Dog's legs sits tail-wagging, furry Pup. She is also content in a wiggly sort of way. But if you look very, very closely, you will see that the smiling, happy lady has someone standing beside her.  See, he has his hand on her shoulder. Yep, that is Jesus standing beside me. What a great family photo.

As I started this post about the dogs, I was going to talk about recognizing the master's voice. I thought about the image of sitting at the master's feet. I considered writing about following the master wherever he goes, but as I got to that point of this post it all changed. I don't know why that happened. The Lord has his reasons. Enjoy.

Looking forward to another night with Big Dog and Pup. Jesus is already here, 

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