Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Where Is Summer?

I'm trying to figure out when it happened--that moment in time when someone stole summer. It must have happened while I was out of town because I remember it was relatively warm when I left home. It can't possibly be my fault. I must admit that I had a lot of stuff in my small bags--things other than clothing. I had books to read, puzzles to solve, snacks to munch on, and my lap-top for use at my sister's house. But honestly,I  didn't have summer. But now? It is almost noon and the temperature outside is a finally up to 53 degrees (11 C). Where is summer?

My daughter and her family headed south after church Sunday in search for some sign that summer was still in the Pacific Northwest.. They ended up in another state before they got some warmth, but at least they found part of their favorite season. They came home yesterday while enjoying sunny skies and 76 degrees. When they got 10 miles from home they hit gray skies and 60 degrees. Summer sure wasn't here. So, why not?

I wish we could ship some of our coolness to other parts of the country that are experiencing high heat. That would be a great exchange. Maybe someday that will be possible, but not today. Besides,the exchange would probably be taxed. For now I will have to settle for wool socks, sweat pants under a pair of baggy jeans, and a sweater to fight off the chill. Maybe if I get myself outside to work awhile I'll get warmed up. Maybe.

This post is not a complaint.  I call it "stating the facts". Now that I've said that, I recall that statement I heard many weeks ago. "The facts and the truth are not necessarily the same thing". And that is the truth. So yes, I have stated many facts, but I have to challenge my statement about not complaining. Yes, I am doing what I dislike other people doing--complaining, griping, being negative.

But you know what? In this part of the country, when the thermometer reaches the high seventies we tend to complain about that too. What picky people we are.

It's time for an attitude adjustment. This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I should go outside to rejoice in this beautiful, early autumn. Come to think of it, that might help get my mind off my granddaughter's upcoming race. The starter's pistol will be fired around 2:30 pm. To use an often used phrase, "Be still my beating heart"

Excitedly awaiting race results while experiencing wonderfully cool air before winter comes,

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