Friday, July 19, 2013

Meeting Answered Prayers

This is just a quick posting before I head home from my son's house. It's about a two hour drive if I don't stop, but I will have to pick up some groceries on my way through town. Or not. I could live on  just oatmeal and frozen green beans over the weekend. On second thought, I had better stop and buy some fresh "stuff".

I also have a gift card for a clothing store that I have been carrying around for a couple months. (It's the gift card I have been carrying--not the clothing store) I might stop and shop there a few minutes. Anyway, I'll be home sometime this afternoon.

I want to share this story before I head out. I chuckle every time it comes to mind. It is about a little six year old boy I know. He and his mom were cuddling on the couch one day. After his mom had finished covering his head and face with  playful kisses, he looked at her with a very serious face and said, "Mom, is it true that I won't always live with you?"

With her best reassuring smile on her face she replied,"Yes, that is true, but I will always be your mom, and I will always love you. We just won't always live together."

"But who will give me hugs and kisses?" was his next question. His mom didn't have time to answer before he moaned out his follow-up question. "Oh no! Does that mean I will have to go find myself a wife?"

You've got to love those kids.

I was going to sign off, but I remembered this "Aha" moment I want to share. It is about my older two grandsons. From the time they were mere little tykes, I prayed for the girls the Lord would have them marry. I asked the Lord to protect, to nurture, to raise those yet-unknown girls to be women of integrity and compassion. I prayed they would have a heart for God. I prayed the same for my grandsons. I also prayed for wisdom and strength for the little girls' families as well as for my son and daughter-in-law.

Then, one day, the inevitable  happened! Each boy went and found himself a wife.

What a joy those "aha" moments were. There I was, meeting face to face with heart-held-dreams. I was meeting answered prayer. I thank the Lord for the two wonderful young women he brought into our lives. Not only are they incredible, but so are their families. His answers to not only my prayers, but many other people's prayers, are beyond anything we could have hoped for.

When it is time for my little friend to go find himself a wife, may he be as blessed as my grandsons..

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