Friday, July 5, 2013

Family Time

My Dad used to say, "I love work so much I can look at it all day!" Of course, we would all crack up laughing. We knew he wasn't one to sit around if he saw work to be done.  He would take care of it, often enlisting our help. If we responded with a "why" or a facial expression that needed no words, we heard his other famous quote, "When I say jump, I don't want to hear 'Why?' I want 't hear 'How high!"

I have no idea why I wrote all that trivia when I was only going to write the first sentence and follow it up with this. "I love my family so much I can sit around and watch them all day!" That is exactly what I am doing right now. We are all gathered at a son's home. We have finished up a wonderful meal of burritos and salads. The kitchen is all cleaned up, and a strawberry-rhubarb crisp is baking in the oven.

The evening activities are beginning. My daughter, her mother-in-law, and a grandson and his wife are playing Hand and Foot (a card game) at the dining room table and having a great time. Outside I can hear the laughter and noise as my two sons, their wives, two grandsons and two grand-daughters play a lawn game called Kubb. That leaves my son-in-law and me sitting on the sofa working on our lap tops.

I love hearing the laughter. I love the sound of animated conversations. I love the cacophonous noise. I love it all--especially when it's accompanied by the wonderful aroma of dessert and the thought of a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

I love my family.

Watching, listening, and thanking God for them,

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