Monday, July 22, 2013

My Full Calendar

All of you are probably wondering what the weather is in my neck of the woods on this fine July morning. Let me tell you even if you aren't the least bit curious. Here it is (drum roll please.)

Patchy drizzle or brief light rain and fog in the morning. Partly sunny in the afternoon. Highs in the 60s to lower 70s. Light wind becoming west 10 to 20 mph in the afternoon.

I had to chuckle a little over the first part of the forecast. I guess if you don't know what patchy drizzle is, it is also known as brief light rain. Or maybe the weatherman didn't know for sure what the day would hold, so decided to increase his odds of accuracy. No matter what, today's drizzle shouldn't carry into tomorrow, but the clouds will. Here is my interpretation of the weather for the rest of the week.


Partial or scattered clouds in the morning. Occasional sun breaks with periods of cloudiness in the afternoon. Cool daytime temperatures followed by cooler temperatures by evening. Breezy the entire week.


In other words, cloudy, cool and breezy for the next seven days.

Now that I have that out of the way, what does the week of July 22-29 hold? I have no idea. My calendar has absolutely nothing on it except the dates, the days of the week, and seven blank squares. That will have to change. 

So, for today, Monday, July 22, 2012 I will draw a picture of an airplane and a runner because my son and granddaughter leave for North Carolina tonight. She will be competing in the Jr. Olympics. That's exciting.

In tomorrow's square I will draw some newspapers. That is the day the paper-delivery-guy will deliver last weeks papers from when I was gone. I will spend the day reading week old news and warding off dementia by solving the puzzles. Whoopee. That is something to celebrate, and will call for a cup of coffee. (Note to self: add a coffee cup to the Tuesday square)

Then for Wednesday I think I will draw a vacuum cleaner (cross out), feather duster (delete), filing cabinet. Yep, that's what I will draw. Since I can't get excited about a house cleaning job, I will become a secretary for the day, and file all the  paperwork that has accumulated this past month. That should be much more exciting that vacuuming. I think I will get all spiffed up for that job--stylish dress, beautiful scarf or necklace, eye-shadow, lipstick, high heels. Oh, I got a bit carried away. I don't wear heels anymore. I don't even own heels anymore. I guess fuzzy socks will have to do--my pink ones with red hearts. I will just have to remember not to put my feet up on the desk. My socks have holes n the heels.

Thursday should be the sunniest day of the week (or least cloudy) so I will draw a picture of me outside. I will be dancing. The ballroom floor will be concrete and my partner looks suspiciously like a push broom. In my mind's eye, I will be gliding where my hot tub once stood or sat. Hummm. does a spa stand or sit? I haven't a clue. A concrete pad is the only remnant of the tub--a dirty, disgusting, 10 foot square slab of concrete encrusted with mud and molding leaves, and adorned with ferns trying to establish a foot hold. (Sorry lacy, little ferns, you have to go.) Maybe I will have to dance a shovel instead of a push broom. Either way, when the ball is over, all that remains will be a beautiful, clean, gray floor, a round, white plastic table brought from under the apple tree, and a white, plastic chair containing me. "I would like a cup of tea, please, Jeeves."

Friday, at last! I must schedule a luncheon. Let's fill the Friday square with a festive table set with beautiful dishes, sparkling glasses, and a bouquet of flowers. On second thought, that is much too difficult to draw, not to mention prepare for. So I will draw a blanket under a tree. Nope. It will be too cold there. I will draw a blanket on the partially sunny grass with a plate piled high with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You can't see the grand kids because they are all busy picking blueberries. huckleberries, salmon berries, and what blackberries they can find. 

A picnic with all the kids is just wishful thinking. Three of them are out of town for the week, and the other two will be with friends. But, the picnic is still on. It will be me, the sandwiches, some iced tea, sun screen, and a good book. Don't you just love summer.

Saturday's square will be filled with question marks.?????? means whatever, whenever, whoever, wherever, why-ever. (I don't think why-ever was a word until now.) but I love a bit of mystery and suspense in my life. A ???? day will be fun.

Then comes Sunday. A day set aside to rejoice, give thanks, and worship my Lord who is beyond comprehension, whose power is unfathomable, whose love is without judgement, and whose deepest desire is that I fulfill the plan he has for me. He will do what ever it takes. I need only follow where he leads, doing what he desires me to do, and living my life to his glory.  

I will draw nothing in the Sunday square because it is already full of God's glory. How would I draw that anyway?

Looking forward to a full calendar this week,

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