Thursday, July 25, 2013

God's Guitar

The story I am telling today is about my oldest grandsons when they were around 3 and 5 years old. It was getting close to time for their dad to come home from work, and they were excited. Their plan was for the younger boy (an angel in the soon-to-be-acted drama) to grab Dad and escort him down the hall to their bedroom for a surprise. Here is what happened.

Dad comes through the front door and is greeted by his "angel" son with these words, "I am an angel and I am taking you to heaven!" Poor Dad doesn't even have time to kiss his wife before he is pulled down the hall, shoved into Pretend Heaven, and promptly seated in a bean bag chair where he is met by his oldest son . The words, "I am the angel Gabriel" are loudly proclaimed in as deep a voice as a 5 year old can produce.

 So there Dad sits looking up in bewilderment at  two grinning angels who make another announcement. "We are going to sing for you." So they begin singing as beautifully as they can. First is Jesus Loves Me followed by Jesus Loves the Little Children of The World. Then, without warning, Gabriel gets down on his hand and knees and proceeds to crawl under the younger angel's crib. After wiggling around for a few seconds, he reappears huffing and puffing. With his hands on his hips he exclaims, "I was going to play God's guitar." Then, throwing his hands up into the air he continues, "But it is too heavy."

I'm sure that if our heavenly ears were carefully listening, we could have heard all the heavenly beings laughing out loud. As for my "Gabriel" grandson, when he one day enters into heaven I hope he gets to play God's guitar. Maybe it won't be too heavy then.

I really enjoy writing these posts for my blog. As I have previously mentioned, I am surprised where Holy Spirit takes my thoughts. As many times as I have shared this story with various groups and friends, I have never thought about the truth in it. Does God have a guitar. I don't know. Does heaven have bean bag chairs? I don't know. But, someday we will each find ourselves before the heavenly throne. Will we have taken the opportunity to kiss loved ones before we were whisked away? Will we have told someone we loved them? Will we have told friends and acquaintances what they mean to us?

This is a good reminder for me to act whenever the opportunity arises, and tell my family I love them.  It is so easy to take family for granted. And easier still to assume our love for them is known. Then there is the teacher, grocery store clerk, and janitor. Do they know they are appreciated?

Remembering to say "I love you and thanks",

Thinking about taking guitar lessons, (not really). God might have a piano.

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