Saturday, July 20, 2013

Seeing the Hand of God

As I drove down the road to my house yesterday, I sighed and resigned myself to the fact that my yard would once again be overgrown, the mower would still be sitting in the garage waiting for someone with a trailer to take it to the repair shop, a suitcase needed to be unpacked, and laundry needed doing.

I had been gone for over a week. It had been fun, but now vacation was over. Back to reality once again--clothes to wash, meals to prepare, floors to sweep, mop, or vacuum, and a blessed life to live.

As I drove past my house, I was surprised that the grass looked pretty good. Hmmmm, I guess one of my kids brought a mower over. That was nice of them. As I walked past the garage to my entry way, my jaw dropped. The second entry to my house (to a family room/office) which hadn't been used for several years because the steps had rotted, now had no steps. The framework was awaiting new boards. What in the world? I guess my kids had a family project going while I was gone. I was thrilled.

After a couple trips back and forth from the car to the house, I finally rolled my suitcase back to my bedroom so I could unpack. Being a creature of habit, I glanced out a tall, narrow window in my hallway. That's where a long defunct hot tub resides. Moss and ferns grow on the cover, and weeds surround it. It needs to go, but just the thought of trying to get someone to do it is overwhelming.

As I said, I looked out the window as I always do when I walk past. But this time I did a hurried about-face. The hot tub was gone, so were the weeds. I was blown away and beginning to tear up. What had gone on at my house in my absence?

I left my suitcase in the middle of the bedroom floor and walked outside. The amount of work that had been done was unbelievable. Places that hadn't been mowed or whacked down by a weed eater for years were now beautiful. Small trees that had taken root in flower beds were cut down. Blackberries that were growing into the twelve-foot tall rhododendrons were gone. This was more than just my kids working. This was monumental.

I hoped into my car and drove to my daughter's house where she and my three granddaughters greeted be. Even before I could hug them all, I asked, "What happened at my house while I was gone?" Of course they all looked completely innocent and pretended they had no idea what I was talking about.

Here is the story that unfolded. The kids' church youth group spent the week working at various homes in the area as a service project. My house was one of them. For three hours Thursday morning, 20 kids and adults worked they fingers to the bone. Elementary kids raked twigs, pulled weeds, removed moss, and played on the swings. Some teenagers used weed eaters, drove lawn tractors, and pushed push mowers. Others cut the small trees and big berry canes. Adults removed the hot tub, prepared lunch and supervised the project.

I am still in awe of what happened. especially when I realize it was more that a group of youth and teens growing in their faith and learning to serve their community. What I will forever see when I look around my personal sanctuary is the hand of God  made flesh in people who love him and blessed me.

Still in awe,

Oh, by the way, my mower is at the shop waiting for new belts, an oil change, and blade sharpening. It should be ready later this week. Hurray

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