Monday, July 8, 2013

Survivng The Weekend

Eight a.m. Monday morning!!! I am going to get a short post written before driving back home. I want to leave here by ten o'clock. That will get me home by noon. At least that is my plan at the moment.

I am thrilled to report that I survived the 4th of July with family and friends. I didn't eat myself to death, fry myself to a crisp in the sun, or sit so long I couldn't get up. Those are all good things. I did get a stiff neck watching seemingly unending fireworks. I did get damp sitting in a 10:30 p.m. drizzle, and I did indulge in ice cream, rhubarb crisp, and fresh peach cobbler. Sorry, couldn't help myself. Isn't that a lame excuse?

The Jr. Olympic Regional Track Meet was so much fun. There is something thrilling about watching five and six year old kids running their hearts out. They were so cute. Even more exciting was watching my 11 year old grandson and 14 year old granddaughters compete.  One of the girls and her dad will be heading off to North Carolina in a couple weeks. Her 4 x 800 relay team qualified for the National meet. That will be a great experience for them.

Big family get-togethers and weekends full of activities are fun, but somehow or other God sort of gets pushed out of the picture. We thanked Him for our meals, I did pray for my grand-kids to do their best at the track meet. I could have gone to church Saturday evening with my daughter and son-in-law, but chose not to--too tired. Ha, what a lame excuse. I am so thankful that my Lord is never too tired for me.

So now life will return to normal--sort of. I will be babysitting my son's two dogs for a few days while the family is off on a camping trip. One of the dogs is the one I wrote about in my July 13, 2012 post titled "A Dog Tale". Those few days should be interesting, especially with a puppy to keep an eye on.

Part of returning to normal is returning to some serious quiet time and self-examination. I want to get to the roots of my fears and confidence issues that keep me from being who I can be. I don't want to leave this earth not accomplishing what there is for me to accomplish. I don't want to be satisfied with lame excuses for not trying new things. Or for that matter, I don't want my lame excuses to keep me from improving what I already have abilities for. That is a tendency I need to get rid of. 

Self-examination is something my head truly would prefer to leave undone, but in my heart I know I must pursue it. I also know it is just a baby step that must be followed up with change.  Now we are getting into the area of work--hard work.

On one hand, I love my life just the way it is. I am blessed. But on the other hand, I wish I were totally content with it.  I'm not. I know the Lord has so much more for me. I have a restlessness in my soul for the work that is ahead. I hope you are ready to continue with me. I would like the company.

Well, folks, It is almost 9 a.m. I need re-read this post and do some editing, then eat some breakfast, fix my hair, pack up my stuff, load it into the car and head out. 

Praying for a safe trip home,

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