Friday, October 4, 2013

A God Day

The sky has only traces of wispy clouds this morning. The tree branches are swinging in sync with my bedroom sheers which blow in front of the furnace vent. The black, feral, very pregnant cat that slept inside all night and didn't want out this morning just removed herself from the sunny carpet and went into the darkness of my closet. Hopefully she is in the large box I installed for her, and not on top of my shoes.

Pregnant cats! I know nothing about them other than they give birth to kittens. Are there pre-labor signs such as cutting back on food or increasing intake of water? I wish I knew what to look for. If I were a really hip senior citizen, I would have already combed the internet and found out more than I ever needed to know. I could probably even perform a C-section if necessary. I am not that hip, at least not yet.

She, Her Royal Blackness, is now under my bed. "Not there, kitty. Not there!" That is the last place I want her hiding out. My carpet is new, unstained, un-spilled on, and free of dirt. Well, not exactly free of dirt. I do see a few pieces of lint and a couple crumbs in front of my chair. Guess I need to vacuum--later. I don't want to scare Her Royal Blackness.

Oh, what to do, what to do? I will decide later, after I get back from town.

The Lord is blessing this day with gorgeous weather, a happy heart, a completed writing assignment, a blog post, and a tubby-tummy cat. This is truly a God day.

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