Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Come Out and Play

Clear blue skies say,"Come out. Come out and walk." Brilliant orange and yellow leaves say, "Come out. Come out and laugh."  Frost coated grass says, "Put on another shirt and have a cup of tea." The frost is winning out for now. I donned another shirt, but the tea hasn't materialized yet.

I might get some tea when I'm in town for a prayer meeting. Aha! I have a great idea. After the meeting I will share a nice hot beverage with a friend I haven't talk to for several months, and get caught up on life.

Did you catch the irony in my last sentence. Friend and haven't talked to shouldn't be in the same sentence. I think about her every time I go to town, but never act on those thoughts. Our kids grew up together. We both love reading. We attended the same church until she moved across the country. Now, she is back in town, and her husband died of cancer, yet I don't call. I don't stop by. Why?

I don't know. This tendency of mine is one I've had for years. I guess it isn't really a tendency if I've done it for years. Is it a habit, a fault, or a problem? Is it an "I don't care" attitude or selfishness? I do care about her. I wonder how she is doing, how she is coping. Sadly, I don't let her know I care. That is uncalled for.

I know how I feel when I don't hear from anyone for days on end. I know people care, but I would love to hear their voices or see their faces. Actually, that is my problem. My phone makes calls as well as receives them. My car can take me places other than church, the grocery store, and the school track. I have no reason for a pity party. (note to family, this is not aimed at you)

On the positive side, I am attending a prayer meeting. That gets me out of the house and with other people. Just as attending my first Bible study at a new church was a big step, this prayer meeting is also a big step for me.

If I am going to take that step today, I had better get my shoes on, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and head out. But, I will take time to call my friend first.

We will answer the call of the blue sky by walking down memory lane. We will answer the call of the gorgeous leaves by laughing together. We will also answer the call of the frosty grass and enjoy a cup of tea.

Answering the Lord by telling a friend I love her,

Jan, Licorice Kitty and family

The kittens think my dust ruffle and duvet cover are a climbing wall. Oh my!

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