Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Letter to Satan

What do Lesson 9 of my writing class, therapy, and spiritual growth have in common? Examining myself, that is what. During therapy, Dr. B would ask me why I felt the way I did or why I didn't feel at all. The answer often went back to what I learned as a child.  such as emotions are a waste of time and energy.

In a Spiritual Growth class, I had to ask myself what lies about God I have believed and what scriptures nullify those lies. For example, I have often told myself that I don't have anything to say that people want to hear. That is a lie because speaking and writing are the strengths and abilities God has given me to use in the telling of His wonders and grace.

In Lesson 9 yesterday, the exercise consisted of writing for five minutes the sentence, "I am a terrific writer who has written dozens of brilliant pieces." As we wrote, if thoughts such as No I am not! came to mind, we were to type a hyphen followed by our thought and another hyphen. We were to then continue typing the sentence until another thought interrupted our typing. When the five minutes were up, we compiled the interrupting thoughts, tried to find a common theme, then composed a letter to the person or thing that influenced those thoughts-a letter we wouldn't send.

In this exercise, most of my thoughts were positive. I have always received positive feedback and encouragement from family and friends in all I did. My only negative thought came as the 5 minutes came to an end. It was this. Even if I am the most terrific writer of the most brilliant pieces, who wants to read it?

As I have shared before, I am writing because that is what I believe God wants me to do. Is it for whomever stumbles upon my blog? Is it for my family and friends? Is it for me only? At this point, it isn't necessary for me to know. I just need to write.

So, to whom do I write the Unsent Letter? Since my negative thoughts don't come from others, the letter had to be written to Satan. Here it is.

I don’t know who you think you are or why you think you can put negative thoughts in my head. You are deceived by your idea of self-importance. You know good and well that you are powerless when it comes to the BIG PICTURE. In my case, you have attempted planting seeds of self-doubt. They might have started germinating at times, but they have never developed strong roots or produced fruit. They have been tilled up and destroyed by Jesus Christ who defeated you years ago. So just bug off.
He has a story for me to tell. A story that is not about me, but rather about him, his power, his love, his grace, his mercy, and his protection…the list goes on and on and on. He is always faithful. I must tell how I have experienced all of this.
Satan, you are weak, but He is strong. Your reign is short, but His is eternal. I can do all things through him who strengthens me, Christ Jesus. 
I know you have worked your evil on my land in the past, the land HE has now provided for me. You know that you have been ordered to leave in the name of Jesus and the blood of the Lamb. My land is staked, embedded with the Holy Word of God. My doors and windows are anointed with oil. This home is blessed and destined to be a refuge and a place of hope and peace. So bug off. 
By the power of the risen Lord, you know you must leave me, my family, my house and my land alone. Return to the pit of hell from whence you came; and don’t even think of trying to come back around here. It cannot be done for we are surrounded by God’s fearsome army of angels. The battle belongs to the Lord. You are defeated. The victory is ours. 
 Praise the Lord.
Jan, a loved and redeemed child of the KING

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