Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Prayer Lasers

God has already won the battle, a recurring theme in church this week, appeared in lyrics, scripture, and shared words.  As Holy Spirit moved through them all, I recalled a devotion on prayer I gave years ago. It was one I didn't write out or even make notes for. As a result, I had forgotten all about it.

The war in Iraq was going strong at the time, and the news was filled with pictures of smart bomb destruction. I watched the evening newscasts in total fascination as our men on the ground aimed lasers at enemy targets until the smart bombs zeroed in on the targets and destroyed them.

That is what prayer is like, I thought at the time. So, I shared my devotion about being God's troops on the ground who aim our prayer lasers at the enemies' strongholds. It doesn't matter what those targets are. We need only keep them targeted in prayer until the addiction, fears, jealousies, or whatever they are can finally be destroyed by the heavenly army of God. The victory is his.

As I contemplated that whole concept during church, I pictured our town, state, country, and world covered in the enemies' darkness. But scattered throughout were pinpoints of light, laser lights, prayer lights all focused in on the evil in today's world. Then slowly, here and there, were explosions as strongholds were destroyed. From promiscuity at a high school to drug use in a locker room, from pornography on the internet to corruption in the workplace, one by one they were hit and destroyed. The darkness finally began to lift all because God's troops on the ground, you and I, stood vigil, never tiring, always aiming our prayer lasers at the devil's lairs. The battle belongs to the Lord

Our worship of idols on the hills and our religious orgies on the mountains are a delusion. Only in the LORD our God will Israel ever find salvation.   Jeremiah 3:23

May it be so


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