Thursday, October 24, 2013

Slow Growth

I asked the Lord for ideas for the blog today. I have an entire day for his ideas to get through to me. In the back of my mind I figured that the League Cross Country meet this afternoon would be wonderful fodder for creativity--and it might well be.

But as I sat looking out my bedroom window watching the wispy fog drift by and beads of condensation drip from the eaves, I thought how little my actual view changes. The lilac and rhodies, the apple, hazlenut, and maple trees, and the Douglas firs greet me every single day without fail. I like the fact that no matter what weather we have, the vegetation remains the same. The boughs and branches still sway with the wind and descend with each bird that land on them. I always know what I will see because it never changes.

Duh, yes it does! It changes all the time. Yellow and orange leaves fall to the ground. Dropped needles and cones nestle in the grass under the fir trees. The rhodies that barely came to the bottom of the window ten years ago, are now half way up. The little lilac wasn't around five years ago. It seeded itself by my window. The firs are so much taller and the branches longer that when we moved here. Everything has grown, but it was so slow I hadn't really noticed.

Everything that has life grows and changes, including me. I'm certainly nothing like the skinny, acne-faced teenager I was in the olden days. But let's not talk about the physical changes like added pounds (pumpkin ice cream will do it every time) or about my liver spotted hands and wrinkly skin. Let's talk about spiritual growth.

Yesterday was a perfect example. I almost didn't go the my Bible study because the topic was Marriage and Home. Different women were sharing on subjects such as: husbands, children and schedules, homes, empty nests, work, blended families, etc. Part of me said the morning would be too painful. Part of me said the topic wasn't relevant. Part of me said GO, so I did.

Afterwards, a woman I have come to respect and love put her arm around me and ask, "Are you OK after listening to everything?"

I was more that OK. I had been blessed. As each woman shared her love of Christ, the importance of seeking God's heart in all areas of life, and how he blessed, healed, and ministered in all areas of her marriage and home life, I rejoiced with her. Not once did I feel any resentment, jealousy, or grief. Praise the Lord.

At that moment I realized once again that I am changing--slowly and surely changing. I'm nothing like I was as a teenager. I'm nothing like I was five years ago or even yesterday, and I am nothing like I will be in years to come. But for me, the change usually comes so gradually that it isn't immediately noticed. Only when I look back do I recognize God's work and can acknowledged and praise him for his goodness and might.

I smile as I type this post because I wonder what I will look like ten years from now. I pray the growth Christ gives will be more noticeable then any new wrinkles or liver spots.

Growing oh so slowly, yet growing still,

Licorice and kittens are still under my bed. In spite of all the attention and picture taking yesterday, she didn't try moving them. She is probably pretty proud that her children's pics with cute teenage girls are on instagram. We might have a paparazzi problem before long.

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