Monday, October 14, 2013

Flying on a Monday Morn.

An unwritten list of uncompleted tasks has put my mind into a death spiral. Okay, death spiral is a little strong--an extreme exaggeration is more exact. The truth is my mind is gliding around in lazy circles trying to decide on a landing spot.

The landing strip in the kitchen is open. I should touch down there first for a bite to eat. A poached egg and toasted slice of olive bread would taste good--so would a glass of V-8 juice. While tied down on the tarmac, there are a few dishes to wash up, some mail to remove from the counter and file away, a fridge to clean out, and a floor to sweep. Maybe I won't make the kitchen my first stop.

Instead, I will swoop down to the bathroom for a refreshing showering-tooth brushing-hair fixing session. Before leaving that landing spot I should clean the toilet and sink, wipe down the counter, empty the garbage, and sweep the floor. Oh yes, shake out the bath mat. Maybe I'll wait until this evening for a spa stop.

My flight plan still isn't in place so I do a quick flyby of the rest of the rooms. The living room reveals a carpet to vacuum and end tables to dust. The dining room is in the the same condition. Licorice's liter box needs changing, the side walk is littered with small branches, there is a dead bird by my sun room door, (birds and glass doors don't mix very well), bird poop decorates my bedroom window...and my library book is due in two days. I need to finish reading it for a paper I am writing.

I can't fly around in unending circles all day. I have to put myself back on the ground, add on some spiritual fuel, and get flight instructions from Heavenly Tower before heading for my first stop on this cross country flight.

(Pause for refueling)

So, I'm finally off on the first leg of today's journey. My gas tank is full, my cell phone is safely stowed in my pocket, a chocolate bar sits on my dresser for potential emergencies, and I am in touch with the control tower.

"Heavenly Tower, this is Jan requesting permission for take off. Destination kitchen at 0930 hours."

"Jan, this is Heavenly Tower. You are cleared for take off. Have a nice flight."

What a beautiful day for flying.

Jan, Licorice and family (How do you train a cat to clean her own litter box?)

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