Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Morning Ramblings

Delicious food shared with family cannot be beat. Take for example last night's dinner. My fettuccine noodles were sauteed with butter and garlic, seasoned with salt and pepper, then topped with fresh Parmesan cheese. I add to that a choice of chicken breast bites seasoned with Italian seasoning or mango-jalapeno meat balls. A mixed greens salad topped off the main course. For dessert there were banana splits with a choice of toppings for our scoops of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream: hot fudge, caramel, fresh raspberries, partially thawed strawberries and whipped cream. The amazing part was I didn't start preparing until 3 p.m. and dinner was at five thirty. Easy and fun! I am so glad my son had a birthday.

I am also glad we are all watching the football game together after church today. I am taking all the sweets that call my name to his house. This is my rationale:  if I succumb to temptation over there, it's okay. I'm being a polite guest. That makes sense doesn't it? I surely think so.

This Sunday morning's breakfast is still just an idea in my mind that needs to find its way onto a plate. The eggs won't scramble themselves. The cat can't cook. Besides, Her Royal Blackness is sleeping on my bed while her sides undulate with who knows how many kittens. I guess I will have to fix breakfast myself, followed by washing dishes (last nights's included) getting ready for church, blessing and being blessed with worship, cheering on my favorite pig-skin passers, and savoring a hot fudge sundae.

That is what I'm looking forward to today. How about you?

Sunday blessings, Jan

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