Thursday, October 3, 2013

My July 4th Prayer

The sun is shining right onto the side of my face and turning the screen of my laptop into a mirror. Something has to give. Either I move, I wait for the clouds to work their magic, or I tough it out. Since there are no clouds in the sky right now (what's up with that?) I am going to tough it out by sitting here pretending it is just another cloudy, northwest day.

What am I going to write about this morning? I think I am going to share something I hadn't told very many people until Bible study yesterday. Last year I wrote about this experience and submitted it for publication, but didn't hear anything back, so have been sitting on it. There are several reasons for sitting. Primarily, the Holy Spirit touches each of us in different ways that comfort, teach, admonish, or what ever else is necessary for our growth. My experiences are mine. Your experiences are yours. I don't want people thinking that God isn't answering their prayers if they don't experience the same thing I did. This particular incident was an unbelievable answer to prayer in my time of need. Here is the abridged story.

I had been living alone for a year. I was still shut down emotionally, and still a year away from therapy. This particular day, I had enjoyed a barbecue with my kids, but declined staying for July 4th fireworks. I just wanted to be by myself instead of in the midst of noise and confusion. At least in my eyes it was noise and confusion. In reality, it was good old family time, but a deep sense of sadness was overtaking me. I just wanted to go home, so I did.

Once seated on my sofa with my dachshund buddy on my lap and the TV announcers talking about celebrations across the country, I let the tears flow and contemplated the difference between being lonely and being alone. There is a big difference. Finally, after deciding I wasn't lonely, I prayed a simple prayer that went something like this. "Lord, how do I do this 'alone' thing." Then I went to bed.

Sleep came quickly and so did morning. Even with my eyes closed, I was aware that the eastern sky was getting light, but more than that I was aware of a presence on my bed. I wasn't scared, I was completely at peace. Then, so gently, so softly, I felt something like a kiss or caress on my cheek followed by a warmth that slowly engulfed me, then these words in my mind, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

Several minutes passed before I opened my eyes and looked around my faintly lighted room. All I saw were my clothes from the day before and the usual sundry items laying on the dresser tops and floor, things like necklaces, receipts, briefly worn socks, and a newspaper or two. There was no Jesus, no angel, no anything unusual--just a sense of warmth and security.

I continued to lie there for awhile, then began smiling as I thought to myself, "I've been touched, kissed, and ministered to by Holy Spirit." Then came this, " I have just had the true Comforter on my bed, not a down filled one or a polyester one, but the Comforter of God."

That is the wonderful way my July 4th prayer had been answered.

I have no idea why, after four years, I feel a need to share this particular encounter, but I do. I pray it brings encouragement to someone today. Here is just one of many scriptures about the Lord's loving presence.

Deuteronomy 31:6
English Standard Version (ESV)
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

Enjoying the sunshine that is extremely visable today,

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