Friday, October 11, 2013

River Walk

I pulled my covers a little higher around my shoulders while listening to early morning radio chatter this morning. The local radio personalities, characters, I call them, had a  Wizard of Oz trivia quiz ongoing between them. That stopped abruptly, at least for me, when my cell phone announced the arrival of a text message.

Daughter-in-law--Want to walk the river walk with me?
D.I.L--How soon?
Me--Give me 10 min.

I forget about putting on proper clothing. My pajama pants, long sleeved-turtle necked shirt, and sleepy-head hair suited me just fine, especially when topped with a hoodie. I fed Licorice, grabbed my driver's license and car keys, and headed out.

Three minutes later I was parked next to D.I.L. I petted her two eager canines, Big Dog and Pup, inhaled the cool, fresh air, and together we headed off. What a gorgeous morning for walking. The river was absolutely mirror like. Neither outgoing river nor harbor tides caused rippling of any kind. A slight mist hovered over sections of water, a flock of migrating geese grazed in a field with several decoys keeping them company, and the dogs trotted, sniffed, and wagged, blazing the paved trail before us.

This kind of beauty takes my breath away and brings forth praise from my lips. Thank you, Lord, I breathed.

The minutes passed quickly as D.I.L. and I got caught up on events of the past days and weeks. Smiles constantly crossed my face as her stories brought joy that filled empty spaces I didn't know were there. Thank you, Lord, I breathed again.

What an awesome way to start a day.

Jan, Licorice and family (kitty's cleaning up kittens right now)

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