Saturday, October 19, 2013

No, Licorice, Not There!

Stupid cat, but we don't say stupid in our family. Therefore, I am at a loss of words.

Licorice moved her four kittens from the cozy box in my closet to the next closest place--under my bed. I don't want her kittens under my bed. I want them in the box in my closet.

Space might have been the issue for Mama. She would  stay in the box for as long as it took to feed all the them. When mealtime was over, she stretched out an my work clothes on the floor beside the box. That may be the reason for relocating.

The other reason could be all the company and attentions the babies received. While the grand kids petted and loved on the kittens, Licorice was no doubt thinking, "Leave them alone. I just got them to sleep"

Whatever the case, the Closet-Cuties became Beneath-the-Bed-Beasties. They couldn't stay there, not if I had my way. So, while Licorice was dining on some tuna, I removed the outgrown box from my closet, covered the rug with several layers of clean towels, and piled the kittens in the middle. Perfect. Mama and kittens now had ample room to move around. At least that is what I thought.

After Licorice finished feasting, I presented her with her new home, then retired to the bathroom to curl my hair. Well, guess what? Before I could finish my hair, all four tiny ones were once again checking out their new home under my bed.

I knew if they moved around very much, they would get past the dust ruffle and under the nightstand. I remedied that problem by placing a rolled up towel around the base of the nightstand. Problem solved. Within minutes of my problem solving, Licorice was meowing and a kitten was answering in a pitiful little, mew.

Down on my hands and knees I go again, for the umpteenth time, remove the towel, squeeze my hand under the nightstand, experience mewing  fur. I guess the kitten had crawled underneath before I had put the towel around it. With a little careful maneuvering of my hands and watchful eye of Licorice, the kitten was extracted and returned to her place on the pile of striped fur balls.

What do I do now? I don't know for sure. A solution will have to wait for awhile because I am on the way to pick up my grandson for a date night at the movies with me.

Licorice is on her own.

Round one goes to the cat.


1 comment:

  1. I love reading about your kittens! I wish our cats were still little.
