Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pride Bit Me--Again

Remember yesterday? I was excited about going to the prayer meeting. I was excited about visiting with my friend and enjoying a cup of tea together. Well, what a person plans and what actually happens are not always the same. Yesterday is a perfect example.

Beep, beep, beep, I dial my friend. No one answers. I fix my hair, put on clean clothes, and call again. No answer. Oh well, I will try after I get to town. I wade through the dried leaves on my porch, push the button to open the garage door, and back my car out of the garage. Since the battery in the garage door opener doesn't always work, I get out of my car, close the garage door from the inside, climb back into my car, and shift into reverse. Old Betsy promptly dies.

What in the world? She has a full tank of gas. What else could she want? I try starting her again. No success. She is truly dead. So much for well laid plans. Gone is the prayer meeting and gone is the visit with my friend. God must have something else in mind.

As of today, I have no idea what was on God's mind. I knew what was on mine, though, because I knew exactly why the car wouldn't re-start. It was my pride. I've known for months that I need to make an appointment with the auto doc. Betsy has an electrical problem. Every time I get in, shut the door, fasten my seat belt, and start her up, the open-door icon and the dome light stay on. Even when I finally park in a parking lot or in my garage, the light stays on. How long? I don't know, but it is a couple hours at least.

AND, if that isn't enough, when I turn old Betsy off and don't take the keys out of the ignition a "ding, ding, ding" warning bell assails my ears. I can't get gas without removing the keys. I can't park by the river to enjoy the scenery and my lunch without removing the keys. If I want to turn the car off, then turn the key to auxiliary power so I can finish listening to the news, I can't do it without that  dang "ding, ding, ding."

I feared that over time the light (bulb, not trivial) problem might drain the battery. Over time is no longer over time. The time was yesterday. Why didn't I take her for a check up? I don't like making phone calls. I don't like trying to explain something I don't understand. I don't like spending money. Besides, it probably wasn't anything that important anyway.

Is that pride, or what?

So, because of "my pride or what", I not only have to call the auto shop for an appointment and tell them my problem, I now must also call one of my kids to give me a jump start.

Will I ever learn?

Ironically, pride was the subject of Pastor's sermon Sunday.

Did God cause my battery to die? Of course he didn't. But he sure spoke loudly and clearly.

Eating humble pie and being thankful I have a car that died in the driveway and not on the highway,
Jan, Licorice Kitty and family

Licorice was very upset with my family relocation plan for her, but I think the playroom is finally configured to her specifications. The drawers under the daybed have been removed so she and the kittens have a dark, hiding place, yet the little ones have lots of room to explore, play, and not be under foot. Yeah.

She had better not try moving them back to my room tonight, or else. Or else what? Don't ask me.

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