Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Letter to My Heavenly Father

Dear Dad,

Happy Father's day! I know I don't tell you this often enough, but I love you. I pray you have a wonderful day filled with praises and adoration from all the kids.

I am so thankful you adopted me. I couldn't have asked for a better father.

You were always there to pick me up and dust me off when I fell, and hold me when I was scared. You always were great at drying my tears, and kissing my hurts. I don't think I will ever outgrow my need for your comfort and care. Thanks for being there, Dad.

As I grew up, Dad, you had so much you wanted to teach me. You tried to teach and showed me how to love others, even those who didn't love me. You tried to teach me how to share all that you gave me, and how to understanding other people's pain and sorrow. You tried to teach me when to listen and when to speak. You tried to teach me to notice and enjoy everything you made--the sounds, the colors, the aromas, the sizes and shapes, all of it.

I know you tried whatever and however you could. Jesus helped you so much. He was a great example for me. As a result, I did learn much over the years, really I did. But Dad, I have to be honest. I wasn't always listening when you were talking to me. I'm extremely thankful that you have never given up trying because I'm finally becoming a more eager student. It's about time isn't it?

Remember how you often encouraged me to ventured into new areas and try new things. You would also warn me about challenges and potential dangers, especially if I were attempting things on my own. Yet, you let me go ahead and make my own mistakes. I'm sure you would cringe and wish I were making different choices. It amazes me, Dad, that after everything you still loved me--me, your stiff-necked daughter.

It amazed me that you never got angry when I questioned your authority or asked why you let things happen. I didn't do it often, Dad, but when I did, you not only listened and understood, you also quieted me with your love*. I thank you for that.

I love all these things you did, and am thankful for them, but what I love most is when you rejoice over me with your singing*, especially when I go to bed at night.

You're the strongest, mightiest, most loving dad a daughter could ever have.

Love Ya,
*Zephaniah 3:17

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