Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thoughts on 1 Peter 2

This morning I was going through a yellow note pad from a year or two ago. During that period I was reading a few verses of 1 Peter every day, then journaling any thoughts, insights, or questions I had. For today's blog, I am going to edit one of those pages for clarity, and share it with you. 

1 Peter 2:4-5

New International Version (NIV)

The Living Stone and a Chosen People

As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house[a] to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

The living Stone, what is that? First, what is a plain old "dead" stone? It is relatively strong because it is a stone. It is relatively solid because it is a stone. It moves only under the influence of another force. It knows and feels nothing. It is a stone, after all. But a stone can crack. It can crumble. It can become sand. That is a stone--a "dead" stone.

I picture a "living" stone as one that is forever indestructible. It cannot crumble or be broken. It senses, it moves, it supports. Peter says Jesus is the living Stone. Jesus is also the Way. That is what he says about himself. Putting those two ideas together says to me that I walk upon a path made of living Stone. I am glad.
I really don't want to walk a path of "dead" stone because it can shift under my feet, causing me to stumble and fall. It can slowly erode away, becoming a sand trap. It can also wash away in a storm. 
I want to walk on a living Stone path that will always provide a firm footing, one I know will always be steady and trustworthy. But walking on stones is hard on the feet, especially bare ones. Walking on sand is so tempting and feels so good, at least until the sandpaper effect kicks in.
Jesus doesn't want us walking in our bare feet. He wants us to put on shoes. He even provides our footwear. They may not be the latest Nike or New Balance shoes on the market. In fact, they are the centuries old, tried and true, ever dependable Gospel of Peace sandals with a lifetime guarantee. And, they are free, a gift from the Way, the living Stone. I just have to put them on and walk.
This verse also compares me to a living stone that is being built into a spiritual house! Well, that must mean I am part of an ongoing construction project. I am being chipped away at.  The junk rock, the "dead" rock is being removed so I will fit where I am needed. I am becoming stronger and more unbreakable. More and more I am able to sense and support the stones around me. I am also able to moving on my own accord.
Here is the image I get when it comes to moving. I, a living stone--strong and unbreakable, shod with the strong yet gentle Gospel of Peace, am walking confidently down the path of living Stone. With every step I take, every strike of my foot--living stone on living Stone, my shoes generate a spark, a spark that can start a fire.
So as we living stones become the living temple, a Holy priesthood that is walking together, stone upon living Stone we will generate sparks the Lord can use to set the world ablaze, on Holy Spirit fire for Him.
Lord, help me stay under the Stone Worker's chisel so I can become a more complete living stone. And, Lord, you know I don't like to wear shoes on my natural feet. I need your constant remind to at least keep my spiritual feet shod with the shoes you bought me.

Trying to remain shod,


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