Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Do Rain. Don't Rain. Do Rain. Don't Rain.

The weather sure has cooperated with yard work the past weeks. I needed at least 7-10 rainless days for the grass I had cut to dry out. If I tried picking it up before it was dry enough, it would jam up in the chute going to the three large grass collectors in the rear of the mower. That is a real pain.

Last night I decided all systems were go and I could tackle the grass gathering project first thing this morning. Then I checked the weather report. Rain today! NO. Well, I woke up to sunshine and was so excited. I could at least get started and pray the rains held off. Thankfully they did.

Now, if it doesn't rain, I will be a little upset. It means I spent three hours going around in circles, being jostled, jerked, and bounced as I drove my mower around the field in a marathon session. It means I had to dump the grass collectors every two laps around the field for three hours straight! I could have done it over several days if it weren't going to rain. But I had to get it done today otherwise I'd have to wait until after it quit raining on Saturday. And then wait until the grass dries out again--sometime next week. By then it would be long again. I had to get it done today, and I did.

Come on rain! I'm ready for you. The grass is picked up.

Well, it's noon now and the sun is still shining! At least it is if you look to the north. That is where the sky is blue and the scattered clouds look like fluffy popcorn. Looking south is another story. In that direction, the sky is filled with dark clouds, and the wind is picking up. It is starting to look a little ominous--not hail storm ominous, just heavy rain ominous.

Come on rain, the yard could use a drink. The flowers can use a drink, and so can the trees.

This afternoon I am going to the school track to walk while the high school Cross Country Team works out. I hope it doesn't rain.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Being a rainfall schizophrenic,


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