Saturday, June 15, 2013

Aaaaaaeeeeeeeeiiiiii! Help!

I'm inspired. Now I just have to keep motivated to accomplish what I want. Yesterday my daughter and I had a fun-filled time over a delicious lunch at a restaurant not too far from my home. We then walked through their wonderful garden of native plants as well as sculptures by local artists. I came home with lots of ideas for my yard. The main problem is the restaurant has a full time gardener. I don't.

If I lack in a full time gardener, I don't lack an abundance of grand kids who like being outside, like to earn money, and are good workers. They even work for home made chocolate chip cookies. This means I will gladly bake while they pull weeds. I will happily pay them a few dollars for cut back blackberries.

To get started I bought some slug/snail bait this morning. One of the hostas I have growing on my front porch has seen better days. Either a slug or snail feasted on it the other night. For some reason, the second hosta was untouched. Maybe the slimy creatures are waiting to dine on it some other night. Well, not if I can help it.

So here is my schedule for a beautiful, sunny day in the Pacific Northwest. I went to town at 6:30 a.m. to buy some groceries and miscellaneous supplies for the flowerbed and yard work. I am taking my car to a fundraiser car wash for the Jr. Olympics at 10:30. (I have three grand kids competing over the next few weeks) Then, with a clean car, I am heading home, putting on my grungy work clothes and going outside to work. Ironically, my grand kids are either out of town or had other commitments.

Where will I start? Do I:
Spray weeds in the lawn?
Weed the flowerbed by the front door?
Weed the flowerbed by the pump house?
Finish weed-eating under the spruce tree?
Weed-eat around the swings?
Weed-eat the grass that is encroaching on the road by the un-mowed field?
Prune the Rhododendrons?

Aaaaeeeeeiiiiii. Help! I'm already tired.

Well, I'm off the the car wash--after I get a chicken cooking in the slow-cooker.

Rejoicing in God's abundance and celebrating a brand new day,

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