Monday, June 10, 2013

Dream Revelation

When talking with Jesus this morning, I remembered a dream I had when my three kids were all under the age of eight. At that time we lived in a small apple-cherry-pear-peach farming community in central Washington. I was involved in a Bible study/prayer group made up of moms from several different denominations. We had been challenged to memorize the first chapter of Ephesians. I took on the challenge with gusto. That meant chasing the kids out of the house every morning so they wouldn't bother me, and I could work on my memorization in peace and quiet. Some days went just fine, but on other days I would get a little upset with my children because they kept running into the house every few minutes to get a drink, use the bathroom, tell me something exciting, or tattle on each other.

One day I had reached the end of my rope. When my daughter rushed in "again" chattering and exclaiming something at the top of her lungs, I raised my voice, which I seldom did, and told her to get back outside and not come back in until I called them for lunch.

After all, I was memorizing scripture wasn't I? I didn't need interruptions.

That night I had a dream that really opened my eyes to what I was doing. In this dream, I saw Jesus very clearly--not all of him, just his torso. He had dark eyes, shortish dark hair, and dark skin. He was moving slowly, sort of floating, from left to right across the horizon. I watched in amazement. There was no doubt in my mind about who I was seeing. Then, without warning, my daughter burst into my field of vision. She was crying and talking about on owl that had been hurt. She wanted me to come help it. I was instantly irritated with her because she was blocking my view. All I could see was her blond hair, her tear-filled eyes, and her runny nose. Without thinking, I pushed her aside so I wouldn't lose sight of Jesus.

It worked! With my sobbing daughter no longer blocking my view, I now saw Jesus much more clearly.

His eyes were now also filled with tears.

I can't explain the sadness I felt when I woke up a few minutes later. But I can explain the revelation I had. I had been so consumed with memorizing God's word, I had pushed my children aside in what I believed was justifiable anger. I was so consumed with memorizing Jesus, I forgot to be Him.

Lord, help me remember to be you.


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