Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lost Robot

One hour and counting. That is how long I've been sitting here trying to decide what to write.

I've written enough about rain lately--its pouring right now.

I've written about loving the sun-shiny periods every day. That is coming this afternoon.

I've written about slugs--I hope they are slow in finding my new flowers in the front porch planter.

I've written about moles. They can eat all the slugs they want. I'll work around their hills of dirt in the yard.

Weed-eating? Done that. Well, I've written about it, but have done only a small part the actual work.

Mowing? I've said enough about that, except this. I wish there were a robotic mower like the roomba vacuum cleaner--just turn it on and let it go. On second thought, mine would probably head out through the trees, mow the neighbors field and cause their horses to stampede, or else get stuck in a blackberry thicket somewhere---who knows where. Then I would have to call in a machete search and rescue team.

Hmmm, I wonder if dogs can be trained to find lost robots?

Lost robots? That could almost describe me over the past few years. Get up, make the bed, take a shower (or not), get dressed (or not), eat breakfast, do dishes, wash clothes, pay bills, look at work to be done,  ignore the work, get on computer, stay on computer, eat lunch, eat dinner, do more dishes, watch favorite programs, go to bed, sleep. Repeat.

Day after day, same old-same old, all was done without purpose, thought, or emotion--just like a robot. That is how it seemed anyway, but that is not how it really was. While I thought I was going through a lot of motions without experiencing any emotions, the Holy Spirit was hard at work. It was my emotionless motions vs God's emotion-filled motions. God's robot finder-fixer was transforming me from my robotic state back to human form--a form that could once again feel.  Love was as work and things were a-happenin'. It was good.

My days are so different now. I do the very same things I did before, but have found enjoyment in them. Hot soapy dishwater full of dishes is fun. I can stand at the sink, enjoy the view from the window, and thank God for dishes to wash and food to put on them. I can look at work to be done and not be overwhelmed by it. An hour of work today means on hour less in the coming days.

And the joy!! I am no longer an emotionless robot. I see beauty is everything, hear music everywhere, smell the wonders of flowers and freshly mowed grass, feel the wind, rain, and sun on my face, and delight in the tastes of sweet, salty, savory, and sour. Aaaah, the senses God has given so we can more fully experience his creation.

So, do real dogs search out lost robots and return them? I don't know.

Does God's Hound of Heaven search out and return the Lord lost children? Absolutely. He also mends them.

Have a God day,

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