Monday, June 24, 2013

My Great Idea

What seemed like a good, even great, idea when I woke up this morning isn't as great right now. Don't get me wrong, it is still an OK idea, but not great. You see, I opened my eyes around 6:30 a.m and was greeted by a very pretty pink rhododendron peeking into my bedroom. I love how it greets me every morning from its position twenty feet or so from my glass french doors. I always smile at its beauty, say "Good morning, Lord," then ease myself out of bed, make my way to the door, check for any deer that might be grazing, and take note of the weather.

Today there is no sign of deer and the weather is either misty or drizzly. I haven't decided which yet.

So, my wonderful idea was to make myself some oatmeal with craisins, put some coffee into a mug with a lid, and enjoy breakfast in bed while I checked out Facebook, wrote my blog, and delighted in the beauty of my backyard. The breakfast part went well, but my coffee is still sitting on my nightstand. I enjoyed seeing the pictures posted on Facebook from the Jr. Olympic Track meet. (all three grand-kids are going to the Regional meet in two weeks), and I am enjoying the pink rhodie whenever I glance up, although some of the flowers are starting to fall. It's only a matter of days until I will have to enjoy the flowers as they adorn the grass instead of the shrub. But writing while sitting in bed is another story.

How in the world to you get comfortable? First off, I have four nice, fluffy pillows stacked behind my body. Next, I have my laptop on a hard tray so that my duvet doesn't block the laptop's air flow. Then I have the tray on a small throw pillow to make the tray more comfortable on my legs. That all works fairly well, but now what? It seems I have a problem.

My back doesn't like being straight up while my legs are straight out. While it complains about my body's 90 degree angle, I decide to bend my knees. Aaah, that's better. Well it's better for my back, but now my laptop slides toward me and the mouse plops onto the bed. "No, mousie! Don't fall onto the floor! Whew." Now it's hard to type with the keyboard at a 45 degree angle.

OK. I'll keep my legs bent, but balance the laptop between my chest and my knees. That doesn't work. How in the world do you type with your hands under your chin? You don't. So back down go the legs. Back down goes the laptop, and back down go my hands. Maybe I will be more comfortable if I cross my legs. No, I'm not supposed to do that--varicose veins, you know. I'll just cross my ankles.

By now, with all my ankle crossing, knee bending, laptop maneuvering, and mouse fetching, I am no longer sitting straight up, but have scooted down so my torso is at a 45 degree angle and my pajamas are all twisted. And, if that weren't enough, the phone, which is on the other side of the room, is ringing. I forgot to put it on the nightstand with my cell phone and coffee.

You know what? After I answer the phone, I think I will just finish my coffee, which is now cold, enjoy my view of the yard, then get up. I can always finish this blog at the table. I sure hope I can remember what I originally planned to write about today.

Trying to remember,

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