Sunday, June 30, 2013

Could I-Would l Still Be Thankful?

As I was getting ready for church this morning I was thinking about what I was going to eat for breakfast and thanking God for my options. I could fix a poached egg and slice of toast. That is always tasty. My usual bowl of oatmeal, or a bowl of cold cereal would be fairly easy. A piece of toast and peanut butter would be the easiest. I decided on the latter not only because it was easy, but I could also eat it in the car.

With that big decision made, I had this thought bombard me from out of nowhere. If I didn't have any options for breakfast, and didn't even know where my next meal was coming from, Could I-Would I, still be thankful? That lead to similar thoughts and questions. What about a warm, comfy bed to sleep in and a house with windows, doors, and trustworthy roof over my head? Then there is running water and indoor plumbing, central heating and gas log. What if I had none of those? Could I-Would I still be thankful?

With all that still running around in my mind, I put peanut butter on my toast and headed out the door. Within forty-five minutes, I was sitting in the sanctuary and worshiping with the rest of the believers. As often happens in worship, I was amazed at the work of the Spirit. A guest speaker for this evening shared a short video before Pastor's sermon. The subject of the video? The ministry of Haiti Alive. The statistics relating to poverty and unsanitary conditions are heart breaking. The number of orphans and children rescued from slavery is unbelievable. The destruction caused by the Haiti earthquake was once again brought home. Could I-Would I be truly thankful in that situation?

But also on that video were the joy-filled, hope-filled faces of children and adults alike. There was footage of schools and hospitals being rebuilt to U.S. earthquake building codes, community gardens being planted, and a larger orphanage being planned. Haiti Alive is doing all this in the face of total destruction from the earthquake. God is alive and working in the lives of the people, the community, and the country.

Pastor's sermon, plus the video, put everything into greater focus for me. It wasn't necessarily the sermon he preached, but it was the sermon I heard.
Thanking God for the blessings I have brings Him pleasure. He likes that I acknowledge and thank him for what he gives me.  But my thankfulness must not be based on those material blessings alone. My possessions and I will pass away. My thankfulness should be based on Christ's death, physical resurrection, and promised return. That is where my joy is, my hope, and my purpose in life.That is my true blessing. That is what lasts forever.
Through God's love, favor and grace, I have been given everything I need in abundance. I must use it however he purposes.

By the way, my toast was still on the counter when I got home, so I ate it for lunch.


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