Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Little Bit of This and That From Kids

The first time I ever taught Sunday school was over 40 years ago. (It's hard to believe some of those cute little three-year-olds could be grandparents by now.) On the Sunday I have in mind, we were talking about God creating the heavens and the earth. To help them understand there was "nothing" before God created, I closed the curtains, turned off the lights, had the tots close there eyes really, really, tight, and sit really, really, really still. Then I asked them to imagination what it might have been like.

After a few seconds, that was all the longer they could sit still, I told them, "Open your eyes. Now tell us what it was like." I expected to get answers like "Really dark." I expected answers like, "Scary!" But I didn't expect the first answer I got, A little boy shouted out, "There was nothing there but Love!"

He blew me away.

At my parents home many years ago, one of my grandsons wanted to help his great-grandpa mow the lawn. My dad finally consented by letting  the 4 year old hold onto the middle of the handlebars while he pushed at the ends. After several laps around the yard, my grandson stopped and asked to do it by himself. Dad told him he wasn't tall enough yet. With that, my grandson patted himself on the top of his head and proclaimed, "My head is all the way up here," and pointing to the grass he added, "my feet go all the down to the ground. That's how big I am. I can mow"

Don't you love kids? They know they can do anything.

 I'm not even sure this granddaughter was in school yet when she went through a stage of writing songs. One called Wind Up Jesus into Your Heart was inspired by kite flyers at the beach. The lyrics of another, inspired by my huge magnolia tree, went, "Giving Tree, Giving Tree, give me all you have for me." She told me it was about God being like a tree.

When chatting with her one day, I asked if she had written any music recently. She immediately set me straight. "No, Nana, everything is music! The rain is music. The leaves are music. The sound of my feet on the gravel is music. Songs are different."

And no, she hadn't written any new "songs".

Today may we:
Experience Love all around us.
Do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  
Listen to the music.


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